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Explore internet culture, worlds, and creativity in 301 seconds with Permanently Moved, a weekly podcast by Jay Springett.
Guaranteed fresh insights in the same time it takes to listen to Teen Spirit.

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Jul 22, 2023

I regret to inform you, for better or worse, the future of societal coordination and maybe even politics will emerge from gamer culture.

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Permanently moved is a personal podcast...

Jul 15, 2023

I realise that I was not done trying to articulate why The Artist should start a dairy. So today I have also done something I've never done before in 230+ episodes, I've made the same episode again. A second run up at the same subject from the same set of notes. There may, in future, be a 3rd iteration of this...

Jul 10, 2023

Social media right now feels like nothing more than a rigged carnival. "Roll up roll up, read this, pass it on, there's more." It's been bad for years. But now there’s different variations of the same flavour of network on offer, I realise how sour it all tastes. 

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Jul 2, 2023

The Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport doesn't know anything about culture, media or sport

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Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in...