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Explore internet culture, worlds, and creativity in 301 seconds with Permanently Moved, a weekly podcast by Jay Springett.
Guaranteed fresh insights in the same time it takes to listen to Teen Spirit.

Paid supporters receive Start Select Reset Zine - a physical newsletter posted via snail mail 4 times a year.

Aug 30, 2019


Half articulated thoughts on Waldenponding, literal content and UX verticality, the demands of the attention economy and why return to the Isles of blogging. 


Against Waldenponding

Innocence lost: what did you do before the internet?

Rethinking How I Use Internet: 5

Isles of blogging



You can subscribe to Permanently Moved in itunes: or search in all your favourite podcatchers.

Permanently moved is a personal podcast 301 seconds in length, written and recorded in one hour by @thejaymo